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本书标签: 现代  宝藏文案  文案     


Ordinary! Of course it is. Who's not.


I'm so glad I'm young and my youth is burning.


"I take the thorns as a field covered with flowers, and nothing in the world can torture me."


People do not exhaust all expectations are not willing to say goodbye, each decided to turn away from the people can not retain, and I waited in the rain for a long time, will not be completely forgotten, but do not look forward to it.

人不耗尽所有期待是不肯说再见的,每个决定转身离开的人 无法挽留,而我在雨里等了很久,不会完全遗忘,但完全不期待了。

Go to spring, don't rot in the past and dreams. Do whatever you want. Be proud of yourself.


Like a redeeming light, like falling ashes.


Let's meet them at the top. We'll see the sea.


"So, Sir, take your time, and we must not meet too quickly. We want to love each other quietly in the world of horses and chariots. When you meet, you don't have to agree to go to the top of the mountain. And I took advantage of the night to see the sea, in the sound of the tide slowly express the monologue of love. You are the only beat that resonates with me in the age of barren smoke."


Born in the dust, drowned in the crowd, died in the ideal platform.


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