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"You should not lose your spirit after a great disaster, you should not lose your heat, you calm but still burning, you calm but more magnificent."


"Over the past, spring is not far away, I will never lose the mood to sprout. And I will not be defeated by winter and pruning. Although sometimes quiet night thinking, will also leave tears, but those tears, in a new spring, often become the best fertilizer."


I have pushed me to the edge of the cliff, so let me sit on the edge of the cliff, and look at the flowing mist below the cliff, and sing a song to you.

我那既然把我推到了悬崖的边缘, 那么就让我在这悬崖的边缘坐下 ,顺便看看悬崖下的流岚雾霭,唱只歌给你听

"When times are tough, don't look too far ahead. As long as you encourage yourself to live today, there are too many unexpected things, some things, do not deserve to occupy your emotions, life is an experience, please enjoy it."


"And see others such as Zhanzhan ghost fire, bold to walk your night road" - Shi Tiesheng

“且视他人之凝目如盏盏鬼火,大胆去走你的夜路” ——史铁生

It turns out that someone really deleted all the entertainment software in the phone, regardless of anything day and night of learning, just to return to the original eyes have light is given hope of their own, you have to believe that every idea of learning will be in the future to help you.


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