话本小说网 > 明星同人小说 > r1se电竞之路
本书标签: 明星同人  杨超越  R1SE   



When people are single,what do they do?

Many times,they think,”i want a partner,so I’m gonna go to the gym,and i’n gonna work out,and I’m gonna get some defenition in my abs,and I’m gonna look good.they do all these things to make themselves to look attractive.

But when they get the relation ship,

They go”well,i don’t need to da any of this anymore.”

They just get lazy.”I don’t

Need to work out anymore,i hav someone and he said he will love me no matter what i look like.”

We stop doing all of the things that made us attractive to someone in the first place

When we start dating someone,they’re attracted to the fact that we have friends they’re attracted to the fact that we have been working out .they’re attracted to the fact that we have things we’re passionate about. And because we’re in a relation ship and we get comfortable.we forget that life is about balance

And life is about growing in all areas,and this isn’t about growing in all areas so that you don’t care about your relationship as much you can actually have more to give to your relationship if you maintain you strength and your confidence in the other areas of it doing something passionate about or when you come home from working out or any other things,you feel more confident and in control but when we ley all those things slip,it starts to kill our attraction .what will you do after reading all these?

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