话本小说网 > 明星同人小说 > 战衣:后来的我们
本书标签: 明星同人  鞠婧祎肖战  鞠婧祎     




记者:General Manager Jiang, what are you going to say?(姜总,您要说的是什么事呢?)

姜宁Everyone should be familiar with Wang's Group. Let's talk about the story behind Wang Yibo, the president of Wang's Group.(王氏集团大家都不陌生,那我们就来讲讲王氏集团总裁王一博背后的故事)

姜宁In the story of my junior year, Wang Yibo was only a sophomore in high school, and we got together by mistake.(在我大三的故事,王一博高二,那时候我们阴差阳错的在一起了)After a period of time, Wang Yibo's mother felt that I was too old for Wang Yibo and gave me 1 million yuan to leave his son.(一段时间过后王一博的母亲觉得我年龄大,给了我100万离开他儿子)I didn't want to delay Wang Yibo's future. I came to the United States a few days after I accepted the 1 million yuan.(我也不想耽误王一博的前途,100万收下之后,没过几天我就来到了美国)

姜宁You may think that it is very common and there is no material, so listen to my next words.(大家可能会觉得很普通,没有什么料点,那么请听我接下来的话)

姜宁A few months ago, I returned to China for the first time in years.(前几个月是我这几年第一次回国)Because my sister is Wang Yibo's sister, so when I returned home, I asked my sister to pick me up, but I didn't expect Wang Yibo to come.(我妹妹是王一博的师妹,我回国的时候,我让我妹妹来接我没想到王一博也来了)I didn't take it seriously. A few days later, Wang Yibo asked me out.(来就来嘛,我也不当回事,几天过后,王一博越来我出来)

姜宁Because I think what Wang Yibo's mother said is very right, so when Wang Yibo said, is it possible for us? I said no.(因为我觉得王一博妈妈说的非常对,所以当王一博说出我们还有可能吗?我一口回绝了)And I returned the break-up fee of 1 million yuan at that time. I didn't break up with him for money.(并且把当时100万的分手费,一分不多一分不少的还了回去,证明我和王一博分手不是为了钱)

姜宁After the last time, Wang Yibo's mother found me again and told me to stay away from Wang Yibo. I said, "Auntie, I will."(上次之后王一博妈妈再次找到了我,叫我离他儿子远一点,我说:阿姨我会的)Since that day, I accompanied my sister to celebrate her 18th birthday and I went back to the United States. The first thing I did when I came here was to change my mobile phone number so that they couldn't contact me.(自从那件事之后,我陪我妹妹过完18岁生日我就回美国了,回美国第一件事我换了手机号码,让他们联系不上我)

姜宁Of course, the time passed quickly. When the New Year in China was near our China, my sister brought me a few words through our company's front desk. At that time, I didn't want to go back, but my sister sent me WeChat on New Year's Eve, so, I would have an assistant to book the ticket that night(当然时间过的很快,临近我们中国新年的时候,我妹妹通过我公司的前台带了几句话给我,那时候我本来不想回去的,除夕夜那一天我妹妹又给我发了一个微信,那天晚上我就让助理订票我飞桐城)

姜宁Of course, I had a good time during the Spring Festival. On my way to the airport, I was kidnapped by Wang Yibo, who imprisoned me in his house these days. I had to be followed whenever I went out.(当然,春节过的很愉快,就当我去机场的路上,王一博把我劫持了,把我囚禁在她家,我出门干什么都有人跟着)And then, when my bodyguards weren't looking, I snuck out, flew to America, and held this press conference.(之后我趁保镖不注意,我偷溜出来了,飞美国,召开了记者发布会)

姜宁So Wang Yibo is beautiful on the surface, but he is a beast behind his back. Am I right! Mr. Wang, everyone turn around.(所以王一博表面光鲜亮丽,背地里就是一个畜生,对吧!王先生,大家先后转)



姜宁Okay, this is the end of the press conference. Thanks for your hard work.(好,记者发布会到此结束,辛苦了)
















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