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本书标签: 短篇 



People who listen to stories become storytellers, and storytellers become people in stories.

听故事的人变成讲故事的人 ,讲故事的人变成了故事里的人 。

The story is not long and difficult to tell. It's impossible to get acquainted with a love.

故事不长也不难讲 ,相识一场爱而不得 。

Later, I didn't read the book well, and the people I like weren't together.

后来啊,书没有读好, 喜欢的人也没有在一起 。

For one of you, I lost touch with many people. As a result, you left and they disappeared.

为了一个你 ,我和多少人淡了关系 ,结果你走了, 他们也没了 。

In love, I regard you as the only one, and you regard me as one.

在爱情里 ,我把你当做唯一, 而你把我当做之一 。

The boy you thought of eventually became someone else's bridegroom, and you, and you smiled bitterly and blessed him.

你心里想的那个男孩子 ,终究当了别人的新郎 ,而你,而你在一旁苦笑的祝福着他 。

Emotionally, we are not good actors. I can't hide my love for you and can't show enthusiasm.

在感情上我们都不是好演员 ,我藏不住喜欢你也演不出热情 。

No relationship can be too close. If you start kissing more, you will feel more pain later.

任何关系都不能走的太近 ,开始多亲 ,以后就有多痛 。

A lively, cheerful, careless and unrestrained girl with a smile will always give people a feeling of being easy to get along with, but you will never understand how bad her sense of security is.

一个活泼开朗 ,大大咧咧 ,笑的无拘无束的女孩子,永远给人一种很好相处的感觉 ,但你永远不明白 ,她的安全感有多差 。

When you are tired, you will look back, and your regrets are worth it, because the cold heart has been warm for you.

累了就回头 ,遗憾也都值了 ,因为那冰冷的心也为你热烈过 。

A lively girl becomes a sad and depressed girl, as long as three steps, don't reply to the news, don't go home, regardless.

一个活泼的女孩变成一个伤感沮丧的女孩,只要三步,不回消息 ,不回家 ,不管不顾。

Those grievances were like slaps in the face, which made me speechless.

那些委屈像耳光一样,抽的我哑口无言 。

Why do you say that a girl's smile is very precious, because if you don't cherish it, she will lose her light.

为什么说女孩子的笑容很珍贵 ,因为你一不珍惜,她就没了光 。

You say beautiful when you see roses and disgusting when you see snakes, but roses and snakes are close friends in this world.

你们看见玫瑰就说美丽 ,看见蛇就说恶心 ,但这个世界玫瑰和蛇本是亲密的朋友 。

Grandma said that you have read the script of life in heaven. The reason why you choose this script must be because there is something worthwhile in this script, so live a good life.

奶奶说人生的剧本你已经在天堂看过了 ,你之所以选择这个剧本,一定是因为这个剧本中有你认为值得的地方 ,所以好好生活吧 。

I'm relieved. I want to stand in the position beside you. It's not my greed. I just fell from that position. You just need to pull me... But you gave up.

我在释怀 ,我想要站在你身边的那个位置上 ,不是我贪心 ,我只是从那个位置上落下来了 ,你只需拉我一把就行...可你放弃了 。

The beginning of the story is always very gentle, and the end of the story is always scarred. I mean, how happy the front laughs, how miserable the back cries.

故事的开始总是极具温柔 ,故事的结尾总是满目疮痍,我的意思是,前面笑的有多开心,后面哭的就有多惨 。

Guess, which girl in love didn't hear from strangers that I love you.

你猜猜,哪个恋爱过的女孩子不是从我爱你听到陌生人的 。

It seems that everything has changed, and it seems that nothing has changed. The person who loved you at the beginning is alive, but he doesn't seem to be around you anymore.

好像一切都变了 ,又好像什么都没变 ,当初爱你的人在世,但他好像不在你身边了 。


累了可以回头 ,想他了 ,可以低头, 但不能回头望着 。

乖 ,在我这你可以做一个正常的人 ,不管怎样我都在 。


洛染溪“女孩子要笑笑才好看 ”

洛染溪“别老丧着脸 ”


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