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If you run hard towards your dream, you won't leave any regrets. If you keep working hard towards your dream, you will be able to write the chapter of life.

向着梦想奋力奔跑,都不会留下遗憾 ,朝着梦想不断努力 ,必能书写人生的华章。

Life is gorgeous because of dreams, and youth shines because of dreams.

人生因梦想而绚丽 ,青春因梦想而闪耀 。

Dream and strive for success.

胸怀梦想, 奋斗以成。

With the motherland in mind, with the times, high sail of struggle, full of high morale, we will be able to become the dream of life and jointly create a better future.

与祖国同心,与时代同行,高扬奋斗风帆,焕发昂扬斗志,我们必能就成人生的梦想,共同创造美好的未来 。

Only when we intersect with our hearts can we achieve long-term success.

以心相交,方能成其久远 。

How can plum blossoms smell sweet without a bitter cold.

不经一番寒彻骨 ,怎得梅花扑鼻香 。

Whoever says mediocrity first will not be brilliant.

谁说先来平庸 ,就一定不会光芒万丈 。

Return all the nights to Xinghe, return all the spring lights to shushuli, and return all the laziness, addiction and inaction to the past me. Tomorrow, I have five valleys in my chest, and immediately shake the mountains and rivers.

把所有的夜归还给星河,把所有的春光归还给疏疏篱落,把所有的慵懒沉迷与不前归还给过去的我 ,明日之我,胸中有五壑,立马振山河

Only when you are better than others can you have the right to choose.

只有当你比别人优秀,你才有选择的权利 。

Don't pursue chasing boats and berthing in the harbor of fantasy, the sail of Yin-Yang struggle, and the sea of real life in the driving school.

不要去追求追舟停泊在幻想的港湾 ,阴阳气奋斗的风帆 ,驾校现实生活的大海 。

Life can be sweet or bitter, but it can't be tasteless. You can win or lose, but you can't give in.

生活可以是甜的 ,也可以是苦的 ,但不能是没味的 ,你可以胜利,也可以失败 ,但你不可以屈服 。

Don't be far away from your close relatives and friends because of a small dispute, and don't forget the great kindness of others because of a small resentment.

不要因为小小的争执,远离了你至亲的好友,也不要因为小小的怨恨,忘记了别人的大恩 。

If there is a wall in front of you, don't turn back and give up your efforts. Try to climb over and surpass it. Even if you hit him, don't look back.

要是前面有一堵墙,不要折回去放弃努力,要想办法爬过去 ,超越过去 即使撞到他,也不要回头 。

It's the same bottle. Why should it be filled with poison? It's also psychological. Why should you be full of troubles?

同样是瓶子 ,为什么要装满毒药呢 ?同样是心理 ,你为什么要充满烦恼呢 ?

Lofty ideals are like flowers growing high. If you want to pick them, diligence is the rope to climb.

崇高的理想 就像生长在高处的鲜花 ,如果要摘下它,勤奋才是攀登的绳索 。

As long as you never give up and persevere, every time you take the car, you will have an opportunity to make progress. If you avoid it, it will be tantamount to destroying your future.

只要永不放弃, 持之以恒 ,每次坐车都是你进步的机会 ,如果你逃避所以说,那就等于自毁前途 。

If you choose to be brilliant, the mountains will not be covered and the sea will not be blocked.

你若选择灿烂, 山无遮,海无拦。

You should shine by yourself instead of always refracting the light of others.

你要自己发光,而不是总是折射别人的光芒 。

Human life is doomed to suffer, so we must find happiness, even if there is only electric light and flint, happiness is the scattered stars shining on the heavy earth.

人的生活注定要受苦 ,那我们必须寻找快乐 ,哪怕只有电光火石,快乐是照在沉沉大地上的寥落的星辰 。

If fate is the worst screenwriter in the world, you must strive for the best actor in your life.

如果命运是世界上最烂的编剧 ,你就要争取着自己人生最好的演员 。

People who have not cried bitterly in the long night are not enough to talk about life.

没有在长夜里痛哭过的人 ,不足以谈人生 。

To grasp the present, it is better to act than to think more.


There is no end to struggle, and it is the starting point at any time. The state is dry, not waiting. There is no impassable road in the world, only people who can't figure it out. Success is actually very simple. When you can't endure it, tell yourself to stick to it again.

奋斗没有终点 ,任何时候都是起点,状态是干出来的 ,不是等出来的 ,世上没有走不通的路 ,只有想不通的人 ,成功其实很简单 ,就是熬不住的时候 ,告诉自己 再坚持一下 。

We fight all the way, not to change the world, but to prevent the world from changing us.

我们一路奋战 ,不是为了改变世界 ,而是为了不让世界改变我们。

In unhappy days, search for the tenderness hidden in life.


Since it is insignificant in others' world, why not shine in your own world.

既然在别人的世界里微不足道 ,为何不在自己的世界里熠熠生辉 。


洛染溪“任何的努力上天都看在眼里 ,都说过,劳苦有功,懒惰有癌。”

洛染溪“人心是会变的 ,但奋斗永远存在 。”



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