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Blame the fault on yourself, and politely exit, return yourself to yourself, return others to others, let the flowers become flowers, and let the trees become trees. From then on, the mountains and rivers will never meet again, and I hope I won't see, don't read, and don't owe in the next life.


After all, I just played a play with you. You trained your acting skills, but I entered the play. I was crazy at the beginning, but now I forget desperately that you never entered the play, but I lost myself. It's not worth it after all.


Some people threw flowers at him, while others threw mud at him. He didn't accept flowers and didn't care about the mud. He planted flowers with mud.


If I have a daughter in the future, I will not instill the idea that girls should be gentle, kind and sensible since childhood. These seemingly beautiful words are no different from moral kidnapping in my opinion. I will teach her how to weigh the pros and cons, think about the gains and losses before doing things, love herself first and then others, and I will cultivate her into a worldly and romantic smart person.

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