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You don't need to tell everyone how you survived those difficult days. Most people look at how high you fly. Few people care if you are tired. Therefore, do what you should do, follow the path you should take, and do not shrink back or vacillate. No matter how difficult it is, tell yourself to stick to it again. Don't let you fall short of your ambition or fail to live up to everything you have ever experienced.


When you are very tired and very tired, you should close your eyes and take a deep breath. Tell yourself that you should persevere. Don't deny yourself so easily. Who says you don't have a good future? Only after tomorrow will you know.


Everyone feels that they are not good enough and envies others for their glitter, but in fact, most people are ordinary. Don't be depressed, don't panic. Be a snail who tries to climb or a stupid bird who insists on flying. In the most ordinary life, be humble and try hard.

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