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本书标签: 短篇  宝藏句子  宝藏文案 




Looking for the glimmer of starlight; Burn one's bridges and leave one's name for the first World War. Even though the road ahead is vast, why should we be afraid of different eyes. The reason why God wants us to go through all the vicissitudes before the college entrance examination is that he only wants us to show our edge on the battlefield of the college entrance examination.

小时候总觉得 只有轰轰烈烈奋不顾身才叫精彩 长大了才明白 温柔的人和一切事物才有踏踏实实的安全感

When I was a child, I always felt that only when I was vigorous and reckless could I be wonderful. When I grew up, I understood that gentle people and everything could have a sense of security


Don't stay up late. You not only missed the good sleep at ten o'clock, but also missed the morning light the next day. You turned away the luck of dream catcher

我当然知道人都是会变得 也从未指望过你永远如初 但感觉到你对我不似从前的时候 还是忍不住偷偷难过好久

Of course, I know that people will change, and I never expected you to be the same forever. But when I felt that you were different from me, I still couldn't help feeling sad secretly for a long time

你知道 有的鸟儿注定不会被关在牢笼里的 它们的每一片羽毛都闪耀着自由的光辉

You know, some birds are not destined to be caged. Every feather of them is shining with freedom

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