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那列开往春天的地铁 通了一年零三个月 我还是没能弄清 修在楼顶的路 到底通往哪里 那些措不及防的大雨 热烈的淋过整个夏天 唯一可以确定的是 在那条看不见尽头的长坡树下 有人总是等在那里 看日出 看日落 只为等一个人。

The subway for springIt lasted one year and three monthsI still can't figure it outThe road built on the roofWhere does it lead toThose unexpected heavy rainsWarm drenched all summerThe only certainty isUnder the long slope tree with no end in sightSome people always wait there to watch the sunrise and sunset just for one person.

那时的我们,在溪边嬉戏,在屋檐下彻夜长谈,那时的我们眼里有星星, 心中有梦想。我们有着少年人独有的满腔热情,我们有着对未来的憧憬、幻想与期望,有着对祖国的一腔热血,有着对这片故土的喜爱。

At that time, we played by the stream and talked all night under the eaves. At that time, we had stars in our eyes and dreams in our hearts. We have the unique enthusiasm of young people, our vision, fantasy and expectation for the future, our passion for the motherland and our love for this hometown.


Ordinary, we are all ordinary. How many people are not ordinary after birth? Most of them don't make themselves ordinary by their own efforts? Sometimes think about what's wrong with ordinary people. Ordinary people live ordinary lives, but some people are born to be ordinary, such as us.

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