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我在月夜站在玫瑰田里你们当然不会懂我了 我的乐观里藏着自卑和缺乏安全感 我像烂在地里的玫瑰,没有人会在意 开始觉得惋惜怜悯 一旦看见别的玫瑰就会扔掉 就会嫌弃

I'm standing in the rose field on the moonlit night. Of course, you won't understand me. My optimism hides inferiority and insecurity. I'm like a rotten rose in the ground. No one will care and start to feel sorry. Once I see other roses, I'll throw them away, and I'll be disgusted


Give me a please post when you get married. I've seen your happy, sad and gentle appearance. Finally, I want to see what you don't belong to me.


We are all like children, mischievous because of dependence; Politeness is because it is strange. Active, because care. I don't contact because I feel redundant.


I love you in my way, but you say I don't know you, but I want to tell you, I may not give you what you want, but I give you what I think is the best.


Time is changing, and so are people. Life is an out of print movie that cannot be played back. No matter how hard you try, you can't go back. The furthest distance in the world is not love or hate, but a familiar person who gradually becomes strange.

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