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作者和Do the fight



作者背负公正审判为神旨代言 白衣黑星用可能引领无限 所见皆可斩 刀锋中裹挟执念 习惯了缄默无言 痛苦一力承担 独行于世间 温柔被隐匿在视野之外 以力诠释王之典范 以自身为狂妄加冕 以无知而无畏擎天 目空一切 以杀戮为改造起点 以爱将心意外点燃 以风为方向勇往直前 月刃滑翔狩猎乐园 星镖碰撞末世狂欢 天真与恶毒分开两半 从召唤中驯服试炼 从弱小打破平凡 尝试着比肩 曾无忧无虑的少年 如今开启征程了吧 为苦难里煎熬星辰 绽希望之花 矢量化身利刃 心愿中投影强大 这幸福并非唾手可得啊 用同伴定义的法则 与彼此信任也没差 并肩作战才不叫傻瓜 记忆中嫌弃脸颊 终于写成牵绊了吗 要携手前行啊

作者没有马却有信仰的剑和铠 左手善良右手对邪恶宣战 自定义棋盘 操纵于能言善变 面具下遮蔽的眼 蛊惑潜藏危险 环抱的双肩 已注定的结局可还情愿 以放肆立宇宙之巅 以狡诈寻自由航线 王子到海盗的极端 堕落甘甜 以理智规划出未来 以忠诚为夺冠铺垫 以信任做他唯一弱点 底层杀出大道平坦 亡命之徒长成狂犬 斗不过被愚弄的缺陷 以镌刻贪婪到习惯 从微笑编织出假面 生存即正确 有强力者所向披靡 有末位到第一逆袭 有英雄的赛场之上 从不缺奇迹

作者有梦埋在心里 为实现至死不渝 有斗志昂扬不认输的你 察觉所谓规则秘密 不过取悦创世神灵 光明同黑暗腥风血雨 干脆制造场闹剧 总好过关在镜子里 一轮轮重启 命运该掌握在自己 怎么能按剧本演绎 拒绝打发时间的游戏 不反抗才徒留笑柄 不如堵一把未知的局 最多一败涂地

作者Do the fight

作者难以触碰 这尘封的秘密 无法隐藏 这场地的记忆 抉择之路现在已经被开启 而我们是否与宿命相遇 开始改写这宿命的结局 So it is the time now The time for you and me to come back to life When everything has fallen apart Now it is the time So it is the time now The time for you and me to make our choice Just Giving up or standing up and fight Conquer the fear Cause we do the fight 现实之中 还交织着梦境 挣脱命运 我捍卫着正义 羁绊秘密终究会被察觉 彼此的视线充斥着决绝 用信念把光明的未来再夺回

作者So it is the time now The time for you and me to come back to life When everything has fallen apart Now it is the time So it is the time now The time for you and me to make our choice Just Giving up or standing up and fight Conquer the fear Cause we do the fight Cause we do the fight So it is the time now The time for you and me to come back to life When everything has fallen apart Now it is the time So it is the time now The time for you and me to make our choice Just remember what I've dreamt in my heart Break through the night Cause we do the fight


作者崩坏的礼乐里 失了明 迷宫之下 是梦境 听忽远又忽近的声音 等待已久的我 唤醒了还沉睡的心 像凹凸的字形 早注定 输或赢 Feel the darkness and the shadow 感受无尽黑暗与重重暗影 It's the price of pain you paid for 这就是你要付出的苦痛代价 See what is behind you 看看你身后 Break out of fear and melt away the sorrows 冲破恐惧 融化悲伤 All the truth and peace you chased for 为那真相 还有你追寻的宁静 The faith is inside you 信念就在你心中 Heal all these wounds and leave the past 愈合心伤 抛开过往 Be who you want to be 活出你想要的模样 敌暗我明 内心猛兽挣逃 又靠近 是非之地 谁试图将过往都清零 渺小的我 也遵从着心的指引 如果这是命运 别妄想 能窃听 Feel the darkness and the shadow 感受无尽黑暗与重重暗影 It's the price of pain you paid for 这就是你要付出的苦痛代价 See what is behind you 看看你身后 Break out of fear and melt away the sorrows 冲破恐惧 融化悲伤 All the truth and peace you chased for 为那真相 还有你追寻的宁静 The faith is inside you 信念就在你心中 Heal all these wounds and leave the past 愈合心伤 抛开过往 Be who you want to be 活出你想要的模样 Feel the darkness and the shadow 感受无尽黑暗与重重暗影 It's the price of pain you paid for 这就是你要付出的苦痛代价 See what is behind you 看看你身后 Break out of fear and melt away the sorrows 冲破恐惧 融化悲伤

作者All the truth and peace you chased for 为那真相 还有你追寻的宁静 The faith is inside you 信念就在你心中 Heal all these wounds and leave the past 愈合心伤 抛开过往 Be who you want to be 活出你想要的模样




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