话本小说网 > 穿越小说 > 乌鲁克王的执着!自身免疫疾病之战!
本书标签: 穿越  动漫同人  吉尔伽美什     



Full English breakfast, from 8.00 to 10.30 am, I will try a vegan full Scottish one next week😃

New jam flavor, clementine?No, no, no, simply an ordinary orange.

Cappuccino with chocolate toppings

Our lunch version of cod and chips, but free of tartare sauce and mashed peas. Too fatty, you know. Just an exploding calorie bomb, more than a thousand kilocalories. You know what, an adult needs only two thousand of it within a day.

National dish of the United Kingdom

From Caffe Nero. Sorry, they currently ran out of tiramasu and replaced with a cappuccino cake. Back to the original version as it had once became round.

homemade tasteless vegan sandwich with brown sauce

three dips as gifts from the terrible Nandos~

watermelon and mint, with no sugar


McDonald's pancake with sausage meal, 注意,这是猪柳,也叫sausage, 还有那种压扁用来捏香肠的叫做sausage meat或是sausage mince, 千万不要用油煎!我只用微波炉这油都是流满碗底的!干吃不胖的孩纸随意哦!

太高了,移动商贩卖的,不是,可能是一家公司搞了这种冷饮车专门在summer term卖冰激凌🍨不过很快英国也只有两个学期了!最后一届三学期制了,从此永不再见👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻

mint chocolate ice cream, 发现时隔四年这绿的不绿了,等等啊,可能这一章也可能是下一章来个最绿的给大大们哈哈哈


fierce bird of prey

Note her sharp claws, they will definitely bring you to a life-threatening fracture.

An ideal toy starfish with capulae on its back to relieve all my annoyings from the department. Don’t tell the professors, ok?Then I will renew my novel contents for sure.

More than a century old!England time-honoured brand.

chocolate, fish?

coronation cake, was💷 45,now 30

Sticky BBQ chicken wings, vegetable kebabs, chips and salad portion

one of my Yorkshire museum accessories

Costa in library, medium mocha with oatmilk

Mute swan

You are even more graceful than a primal ballerina!

thin rice noodles with fried chicken balls and vegan dumplings, 饺子🥟是配菜(side)不能选成topping了哦

Common mallards together~

University of Duck, huh?

jerk chicken at the Vanbrugh Dinning Hall, 食堂不能说Canteen哦

with wedges~no more chips, no

Yorkshire breakfast tea, 听说柯南· 道尔老师在写作时喝红茶吃牛肉和面包🍞

And in Edinburgh, they also do Scotish breakfast tea, that’s exactly what Doctor, author and Baron Doyle drink when he was writing.

vegan chocolate cake

with half a centimeter cream on top~

5月22日照片,happy birthday!Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. This is the first and may be the last birthday I spent in your home country.

上一章 难说再见!大器晚成却永恒的传奇! 乌鲁克王的执着!自身免疫疾病之战!最新章节 下一章 来自伦敦的秘密指令