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The most touching love words are not "I love you", but I am in a trance to hear the weather report saying that you are here today.


I understand that some people will leave sooner or later. Even if they are separated, don't let them down. Meet and say goodbye.


The dynamic and deleted, because this moment hate on a second melodramatic yourself.

你反复推开别人 直到确定自己是例外才安心,结果你一推一个准。

You push others away again and again until you are sureHe is an exception to peace of mindAs a result, you pushed for the right one.

我本来就很麻烦,情绪很多,爱哭粘人,胡思乱想,这些换谁谁都接受不了, 我知道, 所以我没有打算成为谁的偏爱。

I am already very troublesome, I have a lot of emotions, I like crying and clinging to people, and I think that nobody can accept these changes.


Explaining this makes me look like a sinner.


I fell in love with you at first sight through the eight times mirror, but you knocked me out with a 98K.


As an adult, those unhappy and sad things can be solved by yourself, so don't think about who can coax you.


I taste the bitterness and bitterness myself. I carry the joys and sorrows myself. I am my own sun without relying on whose light.


For every minute you are angry with someone, you lose 60 seconds of happiness in your life.


Growth is like walking at night, neither lights nor what people, but because the dawn is beautiful, so you have to cool down.

别人的目光一点都不重要,你只管按照自己的喜好,去决定你的人生,愿你能过得简单 从容。

Other people's eyes are not important, you just according to their own preferences, to determine your life, may you can be simple and easy.


There is a kind of good friend, each has his own life, but no matter where, as long as the need, as long as the back, can find each other.


The girl in front of the screen, although I do not know you, but I know, you are brave, you are lovely, you are beautiful, you can have a happy life!


Make up the light of some fireflies. Make a comfortable bed. To allow the beauty of sunset. It's your warm dream. The shining stars in the sky. Goo


Tonight's moon It's my coin. Both sides dream of you


Suddenly I couldn't sleep. Because when counting sheep. Suddenly there was a lamb. Stand up and say to me. Please pay attention. You have counted. Cooke


I will take the tenderness of the moon. And star scattered. Along the Milky way Into your dreams


Get rid of all the unhappiness during the day. Smooth your restlessness. With good hope. Fall asleep


The whole world Because it's too young. therefore. So much sadness and happiness. All appear Special depth. course. Good night


I always believe. Even in the dark night. It's going to end. And usher in the dawn. I've traveled all over the world. It wasn't until the end


Originally like a person, will run from the heart to the eyes, and then from the eyes to every corner about you, it will pump into the blood


Every time you bow your head is gentle, every smile is warm, how lucky to meet you and accompany you.



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