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The flower is peculiar, it blooms in spring, summer, autumn and winter. The flower is like a gem in the snow in winter, its bright petals flickers in the running water in summer.

天上星星闪 , 山里白云飘。

Stars twinkling in the sky, clouds floating from the mountains.


The Morning Sun Gloriette turnes colorfully in the sunglow. From the Water Tower, one could see water and moon reflecting each other under the moonlight.


Listening to the rain at pavilion, one can see the clear springs circling the corridor, the rain dropping into deep pool in and off, fast and slow, soft and hard.


From the top of tower, there comes ringing of bells, but there isn’t any bell, Oh, it is echoing of the wind.


Why is it always at dusk when we head to the grocery?It is gray outside and the sky is so low that it seems to be touching the roof.The old elm tree, where the birds had been clamoring a while ago, is now left with only fitful sounds.


In winter, willows stand bare by the riverside, lonely in chilly wind. But the river is particularly calm and quiet, with carefree ripples here and there. Withered willow branches have special characters of their own. The river has another beauty of the time.


At sunset, the door lamp of the grocery gave off dim light. The heavy light, coupled with high ceilings, projected dark shadows creeping at all corners. This made me feel like wandering into a ghost store.


He draws a boat, that sails through the bamboo ware workshop Dad and brother work, he draws a sea, there is a bird island full of flowers, and on the beach the big dragon is chasing the running sunflowers.


At that night, the dragon of the lantern jumps into the sky, it becomes a fire dragon with colorful light. Chinese god of wealth, Chinese god of door, Chinese god of kitchen and Lord Rabbit, yes, it is the Lord Rabbit speaks stutteringly, sometimes he likes folding his ears and wiping his nose, they all follow the dragon walking and laughing in the sky.


Watching the dust dancing in the sunlight was my only game at that time.


My life plunged back into grayness, and I felt that even the sunlight from the skylight was no longer so warm and bright.


Nothing but the best, in the new year and all the rest!


Grandma is wordless, but her scissors talk. Black, heavy, and perky, obedient like a puppy.


Grandma is wordless, but her knitting needles talk.


Grandma is wordless, but her decoction pot talks.


Grandma's decoction pot is brown and bulging, but still shiny though used for ages.


Wheatear listens in all ears, to the chirping of birdies. Those talkative guys, always chatting, quarrelling, and showing off feathers.


She also enjoys the scuffling of insects, who are unlike birdies, not chatty, feisty or showy.Instead, they only fancy singing, about sunshine, raindrops, flowers ...... and all the niceness one can experience.


And the sound of wind, eloquent too, sometimes brisk, sometimes gentle; sometimes passionate, but other times, expressing a world of sorrows.


these bamboos are high and firm, simply because they have one wish in their mind—growing higher and higher!


In the morning, I asked my umbrella,"Burning sun or cold rain,Which do you prefer?"My umbrella smiled and said,"Those are not my concerns.""What is your concern, then?"I asked.The umbrella replied,"These are my concerns–On rainy days, protecting you from being wet;On sunny days, providing shade over your head."


With a leisurely hiss, he stirs the tea leaves in the wok. What a slow life!


It’s getting hotter. The big elm trees by the river were motionless. The cicadas were clamorous.


Soft south wind breezed, milk vetch blossomed.


You must learn not to cry!

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