话本小说网 > 明星同人小说 > 妻子的浪漫旅行:羽洛夫妇来袭
本书标签: 明星同人  羽生结弦与原创女主  综艺节目     




洛柒柒Do you want to talk to me?/你是有话想和我说?

梅娃In the past, he ignored the gossip. In that ice show, he explained that I knew you were together. In fact, I didn't understand it all the time. What's worse than you? Whether it's the technique of figure skating or others, he always refuses you mercilessly/以前对于绯闻羽生结弦都是置之不理,那一次冰演他解释了,我知道你们在一起了,其实一直以来我都不太明白,我比你差在哪?无论是花滑的技术还是其他,但他对你是一如既往,毫不留情的拒绝我

洛柒柒Is it? You are excellent in all aspects, but you can't insist on emotional things. Grapefruit has always regarded you as a sister,Besides, don't you have a boyfriend now?/是吗?你各方面都很优秀,但是感情的事情不能强求,一直以来柚子都是把你当做妹妹,再说你现在不是也有男朋友吗?


这才有了她奔赴日本找羽生结弦,和加入加拿大蟋蟀俱乐部 ,可是感情不能强求

洛柒柒I know you may try to like grapefruit, but you don't know that you did that in 16 years, which really hurt me and grapefruit. In those years, both my husband and I were very sad. Your doing so caused great trouble and harm to him/我知道或许你试着你的很喜欢柚子,可是你不知道,16年你那么做确实伤害到我和柚子,那几年不论是我老公还是我都很难过,你这么做对他造成了很大的困扰和伤害

梅娃Yesterday, I saw a feather tied to a string/昨天,我见到羽生结弦了


梅娃You don't know. He didn't tell you about our meeting? Do you really like you?/你应该不知道吧,我们见面的事他没有告诉你?你觉得羽生结弦是真的喜欢你吗?

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