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本书标签: 现代  宝藏文案  情感文案     





“A person, a city, a lifetime of heartache.”


“Can not stand like water flow year, can not escape here juvenile.”


“I won everyone, but I lost you.”


“The happy face others can see, the heart pain who can feel.”


“Look at other people's stories, shed my tears.”


“All tolerance and forgiveness in the world is that I know the truth and you lie there.”


“I was so eager for spring, but I didn't think that I was the first to stand the chilly spring.”


“How did you do it when you were so gentle?”


“I can take the subway alone until the end. Or you can, watch a movie by yourself until six in the morning.”


“Looking at the end of life, in addition to demolition and lottery, I can not think of anything to be happy.”


“Once trust and promise, like slapping, I was speechless.”


“To love someone who doesn't love himself is like waiting for a ship at the airport.”


“Some people used to say like me, I would be happy to sleep all night, but now if someone said like me, I would feel, another liar.”


“Too far away, a drink of hot water, should take care of you.”


“When my parents began to grow into real parents, I was bruised and bruised.”


“Goodbye, never again.”


“Whose loneliness covers my clothes, whose clothes cover my shoulders.”


“After separation, do not say wish me happiness, what qualifications do you have to wish me happiness?”


“The most unforgettable thing is that it has never been remembered, but it will never be forgotten.”


“Miss a person's taste, like drinking a glass of cold water, and then a drop into tears.”


“I want to cry, but I don't know how to cry.”


“Time on the screen gradually passed, I can see the sky is so clear, as your clear eyes. When the sun crossed the sky, I gently turned around, raised the corner of my mouth slowly down. Honey, what year and month, I lost you.”


“Like a person is not wrong, wrong is like a person who does not like themselves.”


“You just rely on me to like you.”


“I ran out of the crowd with all my expressions.”


“All the silent departure is premeditated.”


“Do not fit together, just surface loneliness; together, is really lonely.”


“Not together, not together, anyway, this life is not long.”


“Selling your soul and principles is not a, but not selling a good price.”


“You are a tourist in the mountains, walking and loving, all over the world, affectionate; I am a cat keeper in the market, do not look at passers-by, do not change love.”


“Don't worry about the waves, I will never wait for you like this, the heart tired to a certain extent, not even angry and care about the strength.”


“I have reduced the number of times to find you, remarks replaced by full name, cancel special concern, it should be understood that long live friendship is the end.”


“Later I knew that it was not my flower, I just passed through its blooming.”


“‘Hello’ is the beginning of a story ,‘ you are good ’is the end of a story.”





“Life is bad, but it doesn't stop you from getting better.”















“夏日是流萤 , 知了和烟火。”










“关于我们的一切我都没有删, 只是私密了。”












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