话本小说网 > 明星同人小说 > 边伯贤之我的国民女神
本书标签: 明星同人  EXO  娱乐圈     




摄影师Very good《很不错》

摄影师Continue to maintain《继续保持》

摄影师Perfect girl《完美的女孩》

摄影师Look at the side《看这边》


摄影师Come closer《靠近一点》

摄影师Yes, just hold on《对就这样保持住》

摄影师Change your posture《换一下姿势》

摄影师Yes, that's it. It's great《对,就这样,很棒》

摄影师Well, hard work, beautiful woman and my model《好了 辛苦了美丽的女人和我的模特》

韩南珠It doesn't matter. It's all friends《没关系的 都是朋友》

摄影师Let's go for dinner? You can't refuse this time《一起去吃个饭?这次可不能拒绝了啊》

韩南珠Sorry, I've been very busy recently. I'm really sorry to come to Paris because of my work this time《抱歉,最近特别忙,这次也是因为工作才来巴黎的 真的很抱歉》

摄影师Young people should work hard and race against time. You see, we are so old and haven't given up. Maybe we love our industry very much. At least we are happy to do what we like《年轻人就该努力奋斗,跟时间赛跑 你看我们 都这么大岁数的人了还没有放弃,也可能就是很爱自己的行业吧至少做自己喜欢的事 感到很高兴》

韩南珠Yes, but you look so young that you can't see it《对啊,不过您看起来很年轻 ,看不出来》

摄影师Come on, let's talk while we eat《走吧 我们边吃边聊》

韩南珠it seems,帕特里克·德马Sir, you can't let me go this time, hahaha《来看帕特里克·德马先生这次是不能放我走了,哈哈哈》

摄影师Of course, I didn't stay because of work last time. You have to eat with me this old man this time《当然了,上次还因为工作 没有留下你 这次可得陪我这个老头子吃饭哦》

韩南珠OK, Nanzhu will have dinner with Mr. Patrick this time《好的 南珠这次一定陪帕特里克先生吃饭》

摄影师Ha ha, you little girl《哈哈你这小丫头》


摄影师See? There's a company boss looking at you opposite the little girl《看到了吗小丫头 对面有一个公司老板在看你》

韩南珠No. Maybe I'm watching someone else《哪有啊 。或许在看别人呢》

摄影师You look back《你回头看一眼》



摄影师I said yes《我说是吧》

韩南珠It's really accurate《真的太准了》



摄影师What's the matter? It's urgent. Look, you've been looking at your watch《怎么了,有急事嘛 看你一直看手表》

韩南珠All right《还好吧》

摄影师What's the matter? Let me know if there's anything I can do for you《怎么了说吧 有什么让我帮忙的可以尽管开口》

韩南珠There's a concert《有一个演唱会》

摄影师Ah, I forgot you're still a group《啊我忘了 你还是一个组合的》

韩南珠Ah... It's not mine, it's my lover's《啊…不是我的,是我爱人的》

摄影师Ah, I'm sorry, girl. Did you miss your time《啊 抱歉啊丫头 是不是当误你的时间了》

韩南珠No, it's okay《没有没有,没事》

摄影师Go ahead, your lover would love to see you come to his concert《去吧,你的爱人很希望看到你 能来看他的演唱会》

韩南珠Thank you, Mr. Patrick《谢谢,帕特里克先生》

摄影师Go ahead and ask me if you're my modelBut I am a very strict person《去吧 帮我问个好 想不想做我的模特,但是我很严厉的人哦》

韩南珠OK, I'll convey it. I'm sorry this time. I'll invite you to dinner next time《好 我会转达的 这次很抱歉 我下次请您吃饭》

摄影师be free《没事》



几十分钟后 上了飞机

上一章 伯贤首次直播 边伯贤之我的国民女神最新章节 下一章 演唱会2