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本书标签: 明星同人  丁程鑫  张真源     



Kathy-H“ TNT 是藏在云层里的月亮,也是我穷极一生寻找的宝藏.”

Kathy-H"TNT is the moon hidden in the clouds, and it is also the treasure I have been searching for all my life."

Kathy-H 柏拉图在他著名的《会仗简》(symposium)里有一段用神话说的故事:


远古时代,人有三种,一是纯阳性, 二是纯阴性,三是阴阳人,后来因为人类得罪了神,被神惩罚,神把三种人都劈成了两半。






Kathy-HIn Plato's famous symposium, there is a story in the words of God:

In ancient times, human beings were not classified as men and women today.

In ancient times, there were three kinds of people, one was pure positive, the other was pure negative, and the third was intersex. Later, because human beings sinned against God and were punished by God, God split all three kinds of people in half.

Therefore, today's human beings are incomplete.

Every split half is always looking for the other half.

Cleavage of pure positive, half positive, always looking for the other half positive.

Pure negatives are split, half negative, and the other half negative is also being searched.

As for the original intersex, split in two, the negative one-half is looking for the positive half, and the positive half is also looking for the negative half.


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