话本小说网 > 明星同人小说 > 头像(明星)
本书标签: 明星同人  爱豆头像  谷爱凌   



1. As long as I'm here, you don't have to grow up. 2. Swinging and indecision will make people tired. 3. Wise people don't fall in love, fools are willing to fall. 4. Stay sober and self-disciplined, and love yourself after learning. 5. A superior heart doesn't need to be gorgeous, but it must be strong. 6. When you read this sentence, these seconds belong to me. 7. Ding-dong ~ Please check if you have new love ~8. When the roots grow to a certain depth. Flowers bloom beautifully, and people who are too soft-hearted are not easy to be happy. 9. Failure is an episode of growth, and courage is the temper of youth. 10. No one can control your mood unless you agree. 11. Your heart turns with the environment, and it is a sage. 12. If you think that holding an umbrella is insincere, then I love you in the rain.

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