话本小说网 > 现代小说 > 杂七杂八设圈子
本书标签: 现代 




The statue of the happy prince stands high above the city - a tall stone pillar. He was covered with thin gold leaves, his eyes were made of bright sapphire, and a huge red gem was embedded in the hilt.


He is the envy of the world. "Hes as beautiful as a weathervane," said a city senator who wanted to show his artistic taste, and then worried that people would regard him as impractical. In fact, he was very pragmatic, so he added, "its just not as practical as a weathervane."


"Why cant you be like the happy prince?" A wise mother said to her little boy crying for the moon, "the happy prince never thought of crying for anything in his dreams."


"Im glad there are so many happy people in the world," murmured a frustrated man, gazing at the extraordinary statue.


"He looks like an angel," the orphanage children said. They were coming out of the church with bright red cloaks and clean white Bibs on their chests.


"How do you know?" The math teacher asked, "you havent seen angels."


"Ah! But weve seen it. Weve seen it in our dreams. " The children replied. The math teacher frowned and strained his face because he didnt approve of childrens dreams.


One night, a swallow flew over the city. His friends had been flying to Egypt six weeks ago, but he stayed behind because he missed Miss reed so much. He met her in the early spring, when he was down the river chasing a big yellow moth. Fascinated by her slender waist, he stopped to talk to her.


"Can I love you?" Asked the swallow, who liked to get to the point at once. The reed bent over to him, so he flew round and round her, stroking the water with his wings, rippling with silver. This is the way the swallow courted, and so he went on all summer.


"This kind of love is ridiculous," the other swallows chuckled. "She has no money and so many relatives." Indeed, the river is full of reeds.


When autumn comes, swallows fly away.


After everyone left, he felt very lonely and began to hate his lover. "She cant talk," he said. "Besides, Im afraid shes a slut. You see, shes always flirting." Its true that once the wind blows, the reed will perform the most elegant curtsey. "I admit shes a homebody," continued the swallow, "but I love traveling, and my wife, of course, should love traveling."


"Will you come with me?" He asked at last. However, the reed shook her head. She was too reluctant to leave her home.


"So youre playing with me," he yelled. "Im going to the pyramids. Goodbye!" Then he flew away.


He flew all day and came to the city at night. "Where shall I spend the night?" "I hope the city is ready," he said.


Then he saw the statue on the tall column.


"Ill spend the night there," he cried. "Its a good place, full of fresh air." So he fell between the feet of the happy prince.


"I have a bedroom made of gold," he said to himself in a low voice after looking around, and then he was ready to go to sleep. But just as he put his head under his wings, a big drop of water fell on him. "Its incredible!" He cried, "there is no cloud in the sky, the stars are clear and bright, but its raining. The weather in northern Europe is terrible. The reed likes rain, but its just her selfishness


And then there was another drop.


"Whats the use of a statue that cant keep out the rain?" He said, "I have to find a good chimney to make a nest." He decided to fly away from here.


But before he opened his wings, the third drop of water fell down again. He looked up and saw - ah! What did he see?


The happy princes eyes were full of tears, which ran down his golden cheeks. The princes face was so beautiful in the moonlight that the swallow felt pity.


"Who are you?" He asked.


"Im the happy prince."


"Then why are you crying?" The swallow asked again, "youve got me wet."


"Before, when I had a heart and lived," said the statue, "I didnt know what tears were, because at that time I lived in a palace where sorrow could not enter. During the day people accompany me to play in the garden, and at night I lead the dance in the hall. There is a high wall along the garden, but I never thought there was anything on the other side of the wall. Everything around me is so beautiful. My servants call me happy prince. Indeed, if happiness is happiness, then I am very happy. I live and die like this. And now that Im dead, theyve put me up here so high that I can see all the ugliness and poverty in my city. Even though my heart is made of lead, I cant help crying. "


"Ah! Isnt he a gold statue with a heart of stone? " Said the swallow to himself. He is very polite and doesnt want to talk about other peoples private affairs out loud.


"In the distance," the statue continued in a low and sweet voice, "there is a poor family living in a small street in the distance. A window was open, through which I could see a woman sitting at a table. Her thin face was full of tiredness, and her rough red hands were full of needle holes, because she was a tailor. She is embroidering a lotus flower on the satin dress, which the Queens favorite maid in waiting to wear at the next court ball. On a bed in the corner of the room lay her sick child. The child is feverish and clamors for oranges. His mother had nothing but to feed him a few mouthfuls of water, so the child kept crying. Swallow, swallow, little swallow, would you like to take down the ruby from my hilt and give it to her? My feet are fixed on this base and cant move. "


"My friends are waiting for me in Egypt," said the swallow. "They are flying up and down the Nile, talking to the big lotus flowers, and will soon spend the night in the grave of the great Pharaoh. The Pharaoh himself was sleeping in his colorful coffin. His body was wrapped in yellow linen and filled with antiseptic spices. He had a light green emerald necklace around his neck, and his hands were like withered leaves


"Swallow, swallow, little swallow," said the prince, "wont you spend the night with me and be my messenger? The child is so hungry and thirsty that his mother is very sad


"I dont think I like children," replied the swallow. "Last summer, I went to a river. There were two naughty children, the son of a Miller, who always threw stones at me. Of course, they will never try to hit me. How fast we swallows fly. Besides, I come from a family famous for its quickness. But anyway, its impolite


But the happy princes sad face made the swallow feel bad. "Its too cold here," he said, "but Id like to spend the night with you and be your messenger."


"Thank you, swallow," said the prince.


So the swallow took the huge Ruby from the princes sword, took it in his mouth, and flew over the roofs of the city.


He flew over the top of the cathedral tower and saw an angel carved in white marble. He flew over the palace and heard the song of dancing. A beautiful girl went to the roof with her sweetheart. "What wonderful stars," he said to her, "what wonderful love."


"I hope my dress will be ready in time for the big dance," she replied. "Ive asked for the lotus, but the seamstress is too good."


He flew over the river and saw countless lanterns hanging high on the mast. He flew over the ghetto and saw old Jewish people bargaining with each other and weighing coins on a copper scale. At last he came to the poor mans house and looked inside. The feverish child tossed and turned in bed, and her mother was already asleep because she was too tired. He jumped into the room and put the huge Ruby on the table next to the womans thimble. Then he gently flew around the bed, flapping the childs forehead with his wings. "I feel so cool," the child said. "I must be better." With that, he fell into a sweet dream.


Then the swallow went back to the happy prince and told him what he had done. "Do you think its strange," he continued, "although its very cold, I feel so warm now."


"Thats because you did a good thing," said the prince. So the swallow began to think about the princes words, but soon fell asleep. For him, he always sleeps when he thinks about problems.


At dawn he flew down the river to take a bath. "Its incredible," said a professor of Ornithology as he walked across the bridge. "There are swallows in winter So he wrote a long letter to the local newspaper about it. Everyone quotes from his letter, although many of the words in the letter are incomprehensible.


"Im going to Egypt tonight," said the swallow. He was full of energy when he thought of the distance. He visited all the public monuments in the city and sat on the top of the church for a while. Every place, the sparrows chirped to each other, "what a rare guest!" So he had a good time.


When the moon rose, he flew back to the happy prince. "Do you have anything to do in Egypt?" "Im leaving," he asked in a loud voice


"Swallow, swallow, little swallow," said the prince, "would you like to spend another night with me?"


"My friends are waiting for me in Egypt," replied the swallow. "Tomorrow my friends will fly to the second waterfall, where the hippos spend the night in the papyrus. The ancient Egyptian god mennong sat on a huge granite throne. He watched the stars all night. Whenever the stars twinkled, he would make a joyful cry, and then he would be silent. At noon, the Yellow lions come down to the river to drink. Their eyes are like green gems. Their roar is louder than the roar of the waterfall. " "Swallow, swallow, little swallow," said the prince, "far away in the city, I saw a young man living in the attic. He was working hard on a paper covered desk with a bunch of dried violets in the glass next to it. He had curly brown hair, red lips like pomegranates, and big sleepy eyes. He is trying to write a play for the theater manager, but he is too cold to write any more. There was no firewood in the fireplace, and hunger made him dizzy


"Id like to spend another night with you," said the swallow, who had a kind heart. "Shall I give him another ruby?"


"Alas! I dont have any rubies now. " The prince said, "all thats left is my eyes. They are made of rare sapphire, which was produced from India many years ago. Take out one and send it to him. Hell sell it to the jeweler so that he can buy back food and firewood and finish his play. "


"Dear prince," said the swallow, "I cant do that," and he began to cry.


"Swallow, swallow, little swallow," said the prince, "do as I say."


So the swallow took off one of the princes eyes and flew to the attic where the students lived. Because there is a hole in the roof, swallows can easily get in. So the swallow went through the hole and came into the house. The young man put his face in his hands and did not hear the flutter of the swallows wings. When he looked up, he saw the beautiful sapphire on the dry violet.


"Im beginning to be appreciated," he cried. "It must have come from someone who admired me so much. Now I can finish my script. " There was a happy smile on his face.


The next day the swallow flew to the harbor below. He sat on the mast of a big ship and watched the sailors pull the big box out of the cabin with ropes. Follow them hey yo! Hey, yo The sound of the voice, a large box to drag up. "Im going to Egypt!" The swallow said slightly, but no one paid any attention to him. When the moon rose, he flew back to the happy prince.


"Ive come to say goodbye to you," he cried.


"Swallow, swallow, little swallow," said the prince, "wont you spend another night with me?"


"Winter is coming," replied the swallow. "Cold snow is coming. In Egypt, the sun is warm on the verdant palm trees, and crocodiles in the mud look around lazily. My friends are building nests in the temple in the ancient city of balbeck. The pink and silver pigeons are watching them work and talking to each other. Dear prince, I have to leave you, but I will never forget you. Next spring, I will bring you two beautiful gems to make up for the one you lost because you gave it to others. Ruby will be redder than a red rose, and sapphire will be bluer than the sea. "


"In the square below," said the happy prince, "stands a little match girl. All her matches have fallen in the gutter. They are useless. If she doesnt bring money home, her father will beat her, shes crying. She had no shoes, no socks, nothing on her head. Please take off my other eye and send it to her so that her father wont beat her


"Id like to spend another night with you," said the swallow, "but I cant take off your eyes, or youll be blind."


"Swallow, swallow, little swallow," said the prince, "do as I say."


So he took off the princes other eye, and took it down. He suddenly fell in front of the little girl and quietly put the gem on the palm of her hand. What a beautiful piece of glass Cried the little girl, and she ran home with a smile.


Then the swallow came back to the prince. "You are blind now," said the swallow. "I will always be with you."


"No, swallow," said the poor prince, "you have to go to Egypt."


"Ill stay with you all the time," said the swallow, sleeping at the princes feet.


The next day he sat on the princes shoulder all day and told him what he had seen, heard and experienced in a foreign country. He also told the prince about the red herons, who stood in long rows on the banks of the Nile River, catching goldfish with their sharp beaks; about Sphinx, who was as old as the world, lived in the desert, and knew everything about the world; about the businessmen in New York, who were walking slowly with their camels, touching the rosary made by wolf in their hands; about the moon mountain The king, whose skin is as black as ebony, worships a huge crystal. He talks about the big green snake sleeping on the palm tree and asking 20 monks to feed it with cakes made of honey. He also talks about the dwarfs, who travel across the lake on the big flat leaves and often fight with butterflies. "


"Dear swallow," said the prince, "you have told me a lot of strange things, but even more strange are the sufferings of the men and women. Nothing is more incredible than suffering. Little swallow, just fly over my city and tell me what you see on it. "


So the swallow flew over the city and saw the rich people enjoying themselves in their beautiful western style houses, while the beggars were sitting at the gate starving. He flew into the dark alley and saw the hungry children with pale faces looking listlessly at the dark street. In the hole of a bridge, the two children hugged each other to make each other warm. "We are so hungry!" They said. "You mustnt lie here," the guard exclaimed, as the two children hobbled back into the rain.


Then he flew back and told the prince what he had seen.


"Im covered with good pieces of gold," said the prince. "You take them off one by one and send them to my poor people. The living believe that gold will make them happy


The swallow pecked the golden leaves one by one until the happy prince became dark. He gave these pure gold leaves to the poor one by one, and the childrens faces were flushed. They were playing games happily in the street. "We have bread now!" The children cried.


Then it began to snow, and after the snow came the severe cold. The street looks white, like silver, bright and dazzling; the long icicles hang under the eaves like swords made of crystal. Everyone put on leather clothes, and the children put on red hats to go skating outdoors.

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