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我们终于还是没有翻过那座山,他们也没能听到我们的故事。 We never got over the mountain after all, and they never got to hear our story.

遇见了要珍惜 失去了要祝福. Met to cherish lost to bless.

我向神明许愿 你要岁岁平安. I wish to god that you will be safe all the years.

感情不是等你有空才来珍惜的. Love is not waiting for you to have time to cherish.

三叩九拜为我爱的人祈福挡灾. Three knocks nine to pray for the people I love to prevent disaster.

原来爱意太明显 会把人推的更远. The original love is too obvious will push people farther.

可能是我耽误他们幸福了. I may have delayed their happiness.

趁我现在还喜欢你所以能不能别错过我. While I still like you now so can you not miss me.

说实话 我很喜欢那段暧昧不清的日子. To tell you the truth, I love that ambiguous period of time.

我在惦记你 在你不知道的日子里. I am thinking of you in the days you do not know.

青春窗外的梧桐树,是骄阳,是所有满怀希望和梦想的少年吹的晚风. Youth outside the window of the plane trees, is the scorching sun, is full of hopes and dreams of all the young blowing wind.

21世纪的玫瑰祭奠了16岁夏末的少年感. A 21st-century rose is a tribute to the late summer feeling of being a 16-year-old.

晚风吹不断少年对未来的憧憬,也吹不散少年的思绪万千. The night wind blows constantly young vision of the future, also does not blow loose young thoughts.

除了可乐,缓慢的微风吹起衬衫的领子,我喜欢夏天的千百个理由里,还包括你. Besides Coke, the slow breeze blowing up my shirt collar, you are one of the hundreds of reasons I love summer.

这世间所有的温柔,都值得我们踮起脚尖. All the gentleness in the world is worth standing on tiptoe. 在这个泛滥的时代里 不适合爱情. Not suitable for love in this age of overflowing.

操场的风和他的眼神成了我的整个夏天. The wind in the playground and his eyes became my whole summer.

In case I don't see you… 如果再也见不到你… Good afternoon, good evening, and good night. 祝你早安,午安,和晚安。

“In fact, “其实啊, black suits can also be matched with white suits, 黑西装也能配白西装, Black wedding dress can also be matched with white wedding dress, 黑婚纱也能配白婚纱, Boys can also be proposed, 男孩子也可以被求婚 Girls can also kneel on one knee, 女孩子也可以单膝下跪, There is only one sexual orientation in the world, 世上只有一种性取向, That's what the heart wants.” 那就是心之所向.”

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