话本小说网 > 游戏同人小说 > undershenyuan
本书标签: 游戏同人  懒得做封面  懒得更     



“Why are you doing this to us?!(你为什么要这么对我们啊!)”

“(唔 唔 嗯...呃)”


“I'd like to... No, bitch!(我很想...不,贱人!)”

A peaceful place, no one to talk to, why we have to be treated like this, why we have to go to hell, why we have to break our lives that we love, we were born above the sky and forced to go to hell on earth, we have enough, we all know why this heart hurts, We are not God and we are not evil, we are only our own nightmare, we are black and white, we are our own time and world.


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H E L P _ M E

【 救 赎 于 我 】





help me


(Help me...)

(Go to hell...)

(You are fucking!)

(Why do you do it to me!(你为什么要怎么对我!))

“No no no...!(不 不 不...!)”


Deep Dream从梦中惊醒

“Why did I have this damn dream?(我为什么会做这该死的梦?)”


Deep Dream从病床上起来,没错是病床。

“I thought about what happened before(我想到了之前的事情)”


“Why am I in ICU(我为什么在icu?)”

【The end 完结】

“Yes, I am your nightmare!(没错,我就是你的梦魇!)”

“(Younger brother Don't(弟弟...不))”

上一章 主要的deep dream和chaos的结局 undershenyuan最新章节 下一章 有意义的