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No.1、第一眼遇见 第二眼沦陷 朋友不甘 恋人不敢。At first sight, at second sight, friends are unwilling to fall in love, but lovers dare not.

No.2、我这般爱闹的性子,终究也被打磨成如今这副寡言寡语的模样。After all, my noisy temper has been polished into my present reticent appearance.

No.3、我没为你赴汤蹈火过,可奋不顾身,心甘情愿,一败涂地的时刻,从来没少过。I've never gone through fire and water for you, but there are never fewer moments when I'm desperate, willing and totally defeated.

No.4、你卑微的样子自己都讨厌,又怎能指望他去喜欢呢。How can you expect him to like your humble appearance if you hate it yourself?

No.5、我用时间证明我多么专心,你用时间证明我多么愚蠢。I use time to prove how attentive I am, and you use time to prove how stupid I am.

No.6、每天都在崩溃边缘,给自己做心理疏导一万次。Every day, I am on the verge of collapse, giving myself psychological counseling 10,000 times.

No.7、你敷衍的那么明显,我怎么会不理解。How can I not understand you when you are so perfunctory?

No.8、原来你把浑身的刺给了我,是为了温柔的拥抱别人。It turns out that you gave me all the thorns in order to gently embrace others.

No.9、我还没来得及炫耀你,你就已经不是我的了。Before I could show off you, you were no longer mine.

No.10、下次车窗起雾写的就再也不是你的名字啦!Next time the window fogs, it won't be your name anymore!

No.11、我不像其他女孩子一样 一生气就拉黑删除发脾气 因为我知道我一闹就什么都没了.Unlike other girls, I don't lose my temper when I get angry because I know I lose everything when I make a scene.

No.12、我连我自己的快乐都给不起 我还要压着负面情绪去讨好你 你还不领情 是你让我知道原来爱是可以装出来的.I can't even afford my own happiness. I have to press my negative emotions to please you. You don't appreciate it. You let me know that love can be faked.

No.13、后来你遇见一个女孩 她不会无缘无故享受别人对她的好 不是她高冷不理人 是因为她知道没有确定的未来不想亏欠任何人。Later, when you meet a girl, she won't enjoy others' kindness to her for no reason. It's not that she is aloof, but that she knows there is no definite future and she doesn't want to owe anyone.

No.14、你在讨别人欢心的时候,别人也在想办法让你开心。When you please others, others are trying to make you happy.

No.15、别丢下我好不好,我没有备胎,我没有养🐟,说爱你就真的爱你,我满眼都是你,我不想再输了。Don't leave me, okay? I don't have a spare tire. I don't raise fish. If I say I love you, I really love you. My eyes are full of you. I don't want to lose again.




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