话本小说网 > 影视同人小说 > 一个语录铺
本书标签: 影视同人 




Crazy, Stupid, persistent, persistent, loved, but in the end, I still lived alone. I didn't know it was not mine. I shouldn't have taken it at the beginning.


The thing that should be disappointed never let me down. Every time I was disappointed seriously, so it was better to raise the sand that I couldn't hold.


I don't want to, for your smiling face, I become a clown of love, you go, you go, take away all emotions, you don't look back, just leave like this, just leave me one.


Whether the details are not enough to hurt people, or the perfunctoriness is not too obvious, you have to find sugar in the glass slag to eat, no wonder you are full of blood.

雨不会一直下 但一直会有雨下 我的意思是 没有人会永远爱你 但永远会有人爱你

It won't rain all the time, but it will rain all the time. I mean, no one will love you forever, but someone will love you forever.


Are you happy without my disturbance? Are you at ease without my news? Are you comfortable without my entanglement?


Reading a book again may have a different feeling, but it will not have a new ending, just like me and you......


'Mom said: boys have love, but girls don't. Who treats girls well and who will she go with? I thought for a long time and found it true'


Jingzhou doesn't belong to Cao Cao, just like you don't belong to me, but you know, Cao Cao wants Jingzhou wholeheartedly, but it seems that he never knows, I want you wholeheartedly.


'Everything will change after a long time, clothes will fade, books will turn yellow, walls will be mottled, she will become cold and strange, don't laugh, tears will drop'

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