话本小说网 > 明星同人小说 > TF三代:第三位公主
本书标签: 明星同人  tf家族  TF家族三代     





On February 14, the TF family released several trainees. Some say four, some say three. Among them have official junchen, Wang Hao two

Among them.

Here are my personal views. The author excused himself

This chapter ends on February 15, 2022, with Bo/Si and Mu/Si having a bad time. I'm sure there are some bu/Zhi/Li/fans or some younger ones who follow the wind as it comes, because nowadays fans really prefer Di/Ling/Hu. On this matter, fan Di/Ling/Hua fan each other

Hu/Si, I want to say something.

You have thrown yourself out of the building.

One of our classmates is a fan of TFBOYS

Kay. It took her longer to get upstairs than I did. One day I went to her after class and asked her, "Are you right? What do you think?" Maybe she didn't understand. Just answer (let's relive the situation)

She: "Second generation they di/ling/fen/zei/la/much." (It took so long and she spoke so fast that I can't remember exactly. It was something like that.)

At this time came a fan CAI Xukun (thanks for CAI Xukun's appearance) said

Fans of CAI Xukun: Di/ling fans of tian For them are especially large. One time I was watching a show with my kun and them (时代少年团的简称). It's not their show yet, I see the barrage is brushing while others are performing. Why hasn't it arrived yet (时代少年团的简称)?

Powder CAI Xukun of: I have no language S at that time. This is their show right now and you're watching it on TNT and it's all over the screen.

Personally experienced. You said if in front of their own fans. This also doesn't matter also can understand, after all, some elder sister from one generation to four generations. Take care of your own problems at home, but that can lead to things like Beth and Moose Hu/Si. But if you think about it, every family must have bu/Li/zhi fans, di/Ling fans. We also recognize our fan Di/Ling/Hua. Bu/Li/zhi has many fans. So do we. The author excused himself

But you all threw them out of the building. We are not good fans of passers-by you will be worse, but also to attract black, lead to war. There's no point in fighting for it. Some of you might want to go upstairs, but this might put you off.

The following is a post by one of my primary school classmates on wechat. She is a fan of BLACKPINK. Ke/Yuan/Dan/is about our fan Bu/Li/zhi

Hu/SI every day until the wee hours of the morning to their own body is not

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