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作词: Chymes,作曲: WALTER,编曲: WALTER,You've taken over my mind,我的脑海里都是你身影,I thought I was doing this right,我以为我这么做没错,Is it what I didn't say,是因为说不出口的话化作梦了吗,Maybe I should have mistakes,或许我做错了,I just tell myself a way I find,我自欺欺人告诉自己找到了解脱的方法,A way I'm all alone and lie down,我在这条道路上孑然一身 深陷其中,You're all the way now,你却不曾停下过脚步,I'm almost on the ground,我濒临崩溃 跌至谷底,I'm on the ground,跌至谷底,I keep dreaming about you,我梦里都是你的身影,I've been hoping you come around,我期望着有天你能出现,All you wanna is set you,但其实你想要的就是你自己,But I don't wanna ruin it, now,可我不愿从这梦中醒来,I keep dreaming about you,我的梦境里总有你,I've been hoping you come around,我希望你能出现,All you wanna is set you,但其实你日思夜想的身影就是自己,But I don't wanna ruin it, now,可我不愿打破这美梦,I think I'm losing my mind,我快要失去理智,Was I doing this right,质问自己这么做到底对不对,What I said,我所言,Did I mean it,皆为事实吗,Cause I know,因为我知道,You believed it,你对此深信不疑,I keep dreaming about you,你在我梦里萦绕不去,You believed it,你对此坚信不疑,I keep dreaming about you,我梦里都是你的身影,I've been hoping you come around,我期望有天你能现身,All you wanna is set you,但其实你自己就是梦,But I don't wanna ruin it, now,但我不愿让这只是一场梦,I keep dreaming about you,你频频出现在我梦中,I've been hoping you come around,我期望着有天你能出现,All you wanna is set you,梦中出现的身影其实就是你自己,But I don't wanna ruin it now,但我不愿打破这场梦境,

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