话本小说网 > 明星同人小说 > 蔡徐坤:双向爱情
本书标签: 明星同人  黄明昊x裴嘉薇  范丞丞     





Just be lucky twice in your life. Meet you once and go to the end once. I always forgot to tell you how lucky I was to meet you.


Forget a person, not no longer think of, but occasionally think of, but there are no waves in my heart. There is no need to work hard to really forget.


The one who makes you cry is the one you love most; The one who understands your tears is the one who loves you most. The one who wipes your tears is the one who is last with you.


The strongest feeling in the world is not "I love you", but "I'm used to having you". Mutual dependence is the deepest love.


Is there anyone who once occupied all your life, and now even greetings will feel embarrassed.


The best feeling between two people is that they dislike each other on the surface and never abandon each other in the heart.


People who once said they would be together all the time vowed to stay together, and walked away. Encounter is always caught off guard, and parting is premeditated for a long time.


Loving someone is actually very simple. He makes you cry and disappoints you. Even so, when he stands there, you will still walk over and hold his hand.


Sometimes, choose to keep a distance with someone, not because you don't care, but because you know clearly that he doesn't belong to you.


The cruelest way to treat a person you love is not to mix love and hate, not to cheat and betray, but to gradually indifferent love after extreme love.


After breaking up, you can't be friends, because you hurt each other, and you can't be enemies, because you loved each other deeply.


The most sad thing is that when you meet a special person and understand that you can never be together, sooner or later, you have to give up.


In everyone's heart, there will be someone you will never mention and never forget.


What I fear most is that the person who cares suddenly changes his tone. It feels like the world doesn't want you.


The biggest regret is that I can't even say it face to face. Maybe something that a hug can solve is a stranger without any explanation.


At the end of a relationship, two people can't get out of the body. They are destined to pull each other and get hurt.


Good feelings do not make you dizzy at once, but spoil you in a long stream.


Some people will never be together in this life, but there is a feeling that they can hide in their heart for a lifetime.


Whether a person is worth your poor life is not how good he can be to you, but how bad he can be to you when he is in a bad mood.


Like to chase, don't live up to the encounter, believe that all encounters are reunion after a long separation.



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