话本小说网 > 幻想小说 > 被狼崽子捡走之后的故事
本书标签: 幻想  兽设  原创之王     



Sure, that might be easier said than done — especially when it's the middle of the night and you're desperately waiting to fall asleep. But there are several not-so-obvious ways to quiet your thoughts and prep the brain and body for sleep.


Instead of taking a hot bath, pouring yourself a night cap or squeezing in a workout before bedtime, here are a few expert-backed ways to dupe your mind into sleep:


One of the most effective ways to trick yourself into falling asleep is to, well, try not to sleep. Trying too hard to sleep never works, and all that worry and anxiety about falling asleep is what actually keeps so many people up at night, said Deirdre Conroy, a sleep psychologist and the clinical director of the Behavioral Sleep Medicine Clinic at the University of Michigan Health Sleep Disorders Centers.


By doing the opposite and forcing yourself to lie in bed and stay awake all night — a phenomenon called paradoxical intention — you'll unintentionally doze off at some point. “In your mind, you're actually trying to stay up but sleep will eventually kick in,” Conroy said.

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