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本书标签: 动漫同人  ooc  ooc预警     





星.The world is so big, why don't you go and see it with me? 【世界如此之大,你为何不与我去看看呢?】

赛小岚The world is not big, I do not want to go with you to see, because I do not want to see the world with a mental retardation. 【世界它不大,我也不想和你一起去看看,因为我根本不想和一智障去看这个世界。】

星.No, no, no, the world is really big, your mother, I am your guide in the future, guiding you, the little phoenix that deserves to be beaten. 【不不不,世界是真的大,你阿妈我就是你以后的引路人,引导着你这个欠揍的小凤凰。】

赛小岚How long will the full moon appear, Wine cup in hand, I ask the sky, I really want to slap you in the sky and let you know that Yet I’m afraid the crystalline palace would be. 【明月几时有,把酒问青天,我真想把你一巴掌拍到天上宫阙,让你知道又恐琼楼玉宇。】




星.Qionglou Yuyu, what's wrong with me? When I have a child like Sun Zhongmou, I will also take a bow like a full moon, look northwest, and shoot only. 【琼楼玉宇对我来说又何妨?生子当如孙仲谋,我还会挽雕弓如满月,西北望,射只岚。】

赛小岚It doesn't matter, after all, thousands of sails on the side of the sinking boat, Wan Muchun in front of the sick tree, beat you, I will mount a long wind some day and break the heavy waves, and set my cloudy sail straight and bridge the deep, deep sea, so there is no hurry, don't be angry, life is like a play.【没关系,毕竟沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春,打败你,长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海,所以完全不急,莫生气,人生就像一场戏而已。】

星.You have your own destiny, why do you want to be so you and I do not ask right and wrong, and in this regardless of your fate and mine. 【你我各有缘,为何要如此你我不问是是非非,且在这不分你我之缘。】

赛小岚I am not destined for you, I have not waited for a thousand years to bring such a sinister relationship with you, please stay away from me! 【我与你,未有缘,我又没有千年等一回,招来你这般孽缘!】

星.Bitter every day, bitter every day, but you are so ruthless will I gas! You unfilial daughter! 【天天苦,日日苦,你却如此无情将我气!你个不孝女!】

赛小岚Say it today, say it every day, are you done or not?! 【今日说,日日说,你到底有完没完?!】






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