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小小导师:小小妈妈,小小能再醒过来真是太好了;这是上天对孩子的庇佑啊!Little tutor: Little mother, it's great to wake up again; This is God's blessing for children!

王胜男:安娜教授,谢谢你和叶莲娜教授还有雅思教授来参加我闺女小小的婚礼;小小老跟我说她在学校的时候你们这些教授和同学们都挺照顾她的,既然来了就多住些日子哈,我们一起送小小出嫁!Wang Shengnan: Professor Anna, thank you and Professor Yelena and Professor IELTS for coming to my daughter's little wedding. The little old man told me that when she was at school, you professors and classmates took good care of her. Since you are here, you can live for more days. Let's send the little girl to get married together!

安娜教授:对,小小爸爸明天我们三位教授可以跟在您和小小后面嘛;看着孩子能找到幸福,我们真的很高兴,我们院长年龄大了所以不能亲临现场,我们到时候拍个录像带回去跟她一起分享!Professor Anna: Yes, little father, tomorrow we three professors can follow you and little; we are really happy to see that our children can find happiness. Our dean is too old to be present at the scene. We will make a video and go back to share it with her!


小琪帮林大为翻译着“各位教授,当然没问题啊,我爸说小小有这么负责任的老师们跟我们一起送小小出嫁;我们真的很高兴!Professors, of course, no problem. My dad said that Xiao Xiao had such responsible teachers to marry him with us; We are really happy!”


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