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穆晓维那边他跟教授聊着天,维克多教授“晓维,马上就要迎娶你的小小了;老师祝你们白头偕老,对她好点儿要再惹小小生气的话我跟你父母一起对你家法伺候!”Xiaowei, I will marry your little one soon. The teacher wishes you a long life together. Be nice to her. If you want to make a little angry again, I will serve your family law with your parents!

穆晓维:知道了老师,摩尔教授欢迎你们来参加我的婚礼;算算时间咱可快4年多没见面了,毕业后还是麻省理工大学校庆的时候回去看了眼您和我老师,我真的是太想你们了!Mu Xiaowei: Yes, sir. Professor Moore welcomes you to my wedding. We haven't seen each other for almost 4 years. After graduation, we went back to see you and my teacher at the celebration of MIT. I really miss you so much!

摩尔教授:晓维,你爷爷好像挺有名的;之前去过中科院学术交流,在校友榜上见过他,过去带我认识下吧,听院长说这位老教授可是中科院院士,他桃李满天下呢!Professor Moore: Xiaowei, your grandfather seems to be quite famous; I have been to the Chinese Academy of Sciences for academic exchange before, and I have seen him on the alumni list. Let me know him in the past. I heard the dean say that this old professor is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and he is full of peaches and plums!

穆晓维把摩尔教授带去了老爷子那边“摩尔教授,这位是我爷爷钱守中院士;他是我麻省理工大学的导师!”Professor Moore, this is my grandfather, Academician Qian Shouzhong; he was my mentor at MIT!


穆晓维:摩尔教授,我爷爷说欢迎您来参加他孙女婿我的婚礼,让您在这儿多住些日子哈!Mu Xiaowei: Professor Moore, my grandfather says you are welcome to attend his grandson's wedding and let you stay here for a longer time.

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