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💖我不要惊艳整个青春 我要和你平平淡淡一辈子。



💖以后我叫无理你叫闹 因为无理娶闹。

💖年轻时候bf=best friend恋爱时候bf=boy friend结婚以后bf=baby's father老年时候bf=be forever

💖他给我的备注是DYLM(Do you love me )我给他的备注是YID(Yes I do. )

💖 我给他备注blue(because love you everyday)

💖“I Love You More Than I Can See”意思是,我爱你胜过我所能看到的“See How Much I Love You”意思是,看我有多爱你


Because I like you, and by the way I like the whole summer.


I want to steal the stars and put it under your eyes, reflecting all my love.

💘It is not that I stay up late, but that the night needs my bright star.



Every house is brightly lit, why don't you hold me till dawn


Everyday at twilight, the sun turns red in the sky, I think of you on that shoreline.

💘Want to be the light hidden in your heart


💘The tenderness of life will always run into your arms.



Wasting time in the world, you are the only one worth it

💘-Du bist betrunken .Dubistbetrunken.



If you see someone who doesn't smile, give them a smile.

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