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本书标签: 影视同人 




伤感语录英文版In fact, what can really break you is not those sudden disasters, but those things that seem to be not worth mentioning and accumulate over time.


伤感语录英文版Between us, I finally learned to talk less and no longer disturb. If affection is always failed, it doesn't matter if you are lonely for the rest of your life.


伤感语录英文版Someone asked me how to describe the feeling of losing the one I love most. Probably, I feel lonely when I am in the sea and cry when I watch comedies.


伤感语录英文版When a person replies to your message very slowly or does not reply directly, don't worry about what happened to him. He is just spending time with someone who is more important than you or doing something more important than you.


伤感语录英文版There is always such a person in life, amazing time, let you never forget; cry red eyes, but still smile to forgive


伤感语录英文版Of course, I know that people will change, and I never expected you to be the same forever, but when I felt that you were different to me, I couldn't help but secretly feel sad for a long time.


伤感语录英文版You have never been kind to me, but it just so happens that this feeling grows like a weed, such as a mad dog, such as a running dog, the more willing it is, the more it can't be done all the time.


伤感语录英文版The promises we believed finally became a slap in the face and slapped ourselves in the face. You will always be my weakness, but you will never be my armor.


伤感语录英文版Not everyone has a good temper. If you happen to meet someone who can accommodate you and accommodate you, please don't wear out his feelings. Don't waste your luck all your life because of your childishness and capriciousness.


伤感语录英文版You can only feel 20% when you say love words across the screen, but you can feel 200% if you say cruel words across the screen. The distance is terrible because you don't know whether the other person is missing you or forgetting you.

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