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第二天早晨我们都没有睡着,很早就起来了,我们洗漱穿衣服,等教官叫我们起床时,我们都准备好啦,过了一会儿我们到外面排队去吃早饭,早饭也挺丰盛的,吃完饭之后我们去做垃圾分类小知识测试,三个人一组。等测试完之后我们就去参观一些科技东西,时间过得很快,到了中午我们去吃午饭。吃完午饭之后我们几个人一起回到了宿舍。过一会儿我们去食堂旁边的小店买了几包泡面, 我们在楼道那边跑了很长时间才找到热水,然后我们泡泡面,泡面好了之后,我们中午开始加餐。快到一点的时候我们去集合,然后教官我们去玩射击,玩完射击之后,我们去捏泥人,我们把泥土捏成各种各样的地方,有的人捏了杯子,桶,碗等不同东西,而我打算捏一个镜,因为大概看了一下这个应该算是很好捏的一个,更是为了捏好之后送给暖阳(这一波互动),最后捏完之后不是很好看,但是都是心意。



君陌尘We're no stranger to the fall out

It's what got us here

Ever changing some chameleon

Blood sweat and tears

We'll never make it if we fall to everything that brings us down

We're the come back kids now

Blood sweat and tears

Fight for what

What we want

Doesn't matter the cost

Every day

Put in work

Blood sweat and tears

Nothing comes over night

Strength in numbers

Dark to light

Wedon't bow to fear

Blood sweat and tears

We are stronger now

Blood sweat and tears

Never backing down

Blood sweat and tears

Honor of the crown

Oh no

Wedon't bow to fear

Blood sweat and tears

Fight for what

What we want

Doesn't matter the cost

Every day

Put in work

Blood sweat and tears

Nothing comes over night

Strength in numbers

Dark to light

Wedon't bow to fear

Blood sweat and tears

Fight for what

What we want

Blood sweat and tears

Every day

Put in work

Fight for what

What we want

Nothing comes over night


Every day

Put in work

Blood sweat and tears

Fight for what

What we want

Doesn't matter the cost

Every day

Put in work

Blood sweat and tears

Nothing comes over night

Strength in numbers

Dark to light

Wedon't bow to fear

Blood sweat and tears

Fight for what

What we want

Doesn't matter the cost yeah yeah

And every day

We put in work

Blood sweat and tears

Nothing comes over night

Strength In numbers

Dark to light

Wedon't bow to fear

Blood sweat and tears


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