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本书标签: 小说同人  恋爱日记 

第八章 我感觉他有些喜欢我


念曦System, system, have something important to say, I feel he likes me a little.(系统,系统,有大事要说,感觉他有些喜欢我了。)

系统:小爱Did something happen between you two? Can you talk to me?(你们之间又发生了什么吗?能不能和我说说呢?)

系统:小爱Please start your performance.(请开始你的表演。)

In fact, this passage was not said by Xiao Ai's classmate, but I made a mistake by accident, so forget it. Hmm.(其实这段话不是小爱同学说的,不过我不小心点错了,就这样算了,嗯。)

I feel so hasty, hahaha.(我感觉我好草率啊,哈哈哈。)

念曦First of all, as soon as he arrived today, I felt that he was strange. Then he suddenly came to me and gave me a lollipop, which was still pink.(首先呢,他今天也来到,我就感觉他怪怪的。然后,他突然向我走来,给了我根棒棒糖,还是粉色的。)

念曦You don't know, I was so excited, so happy, so nervous that I couldn't even look at him.(你都不知道,我当时好激动,好开心,好紧张,我都不敢看着他。)

系统:小爱And then what, and then did you respond?(然后呢,然后你做出了什么回应吗?)

念曦I was so nervous that I immediately stood up, and then said thank you several times.(我当时紧张到立马站了起来,然后连忙说了几声谢谢。)

念曦In fact, I can see that he blushed, and he was also very nervous and excited.(其实,我看得出来,他的脸红了,他也很紧张,很激动。)

宋晓Nothing, nothing.(没事,没事。)

系统:小爱Isn't that great? You like him and he likes you. Isn't that the best thing?(那样可不是很好吗?你喜欢他,他也喜欢你,这不是最美好的事情吗?)

念曦Yeah, I thought about it, too, and I hope so.(是啊,我也有这么想过,我也希望会是这样。)

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