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Forgiveness is the ecomomy of the heart.It saves expence of anger,the cost of the hatred and the waste of hatred and the waste of spirits.宽恕是心灵的一种节约措施――它节省了生气的开支,仇恨的成本和精神的浪费

Forgive many things in others nothing in yoirself.宽恕他人之种种,你罪无存



Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others, cannot keep it from themselves.将阳光带进给别人生命的人,无法将阳光隔绝在自己的生命之外

Pride is peaceful, patient and poised, b7t most of all, pride is silent.尊严意味着平和,耐心和沉稳,但最重要的是无声无息

All truths are easy to understand once they discovered.The point is to discover them.一切真相一旦被发现都会变得通俗易懂,关键在于发现它们的过程

This is not the end.It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.这不是结局,这甚至不是结局的开始,但这也许是序幕的终结

Distance makes the hearts grow fonder.距离只会使两颗心靠的更近


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