话本小说网 > 明星同人小说 > 美洲野狼:BTS
本书标签: 明星同人  Alpha  韩娱 






江淮“Hello, I'm Jiang Huai, the Chinese captain of the Korean team. I'm glad to be on the podium of the United Nations.”

江淮“Today our group is talking about race. As far as I am concerned, racial discrimination should not be seen in society”

江淮“Of course, individual life is different, and everyone's destiny is also different. If those who wear colored glasses to see a person, he is really cheap.”

许鸢“If racial discrimination is measured, every country should eliminate this prejudice. Everyone is the same, born to his mother.”

林乐兮“When President Kennedy took office, he said a passage that I still remember.”

林乐兮“It is hoped that through efforts to establish a new world ruled by law, in which the strong are just and the weak are safe.”

温秸“Everyone's strength is more or less different. But don't discriminate, love yourself enough。”

宫羽“Our purpose is mainly to convey to the first generation of new youth: don't forget how to love yourself, be kind to yourself, and don't be sad, angry and angry because of colored glasses.”





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