话本小说网 > 都市小说 > 在一起平仄平
本书标签: 都市 



The first paragraph consists of four sentences, mainly about the external expression of anger. The first two sentences are condescending, grasping the topic and depicting the poet's self-image. He was passionate, but he was too angry to be flat. Like Wang Dun in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, he knocked on the jade pot and recited Cao Cao's famous poem "The Life of a Turtle": "The old horse is always on the prowl, and his ambition is a thousand miles away. In the twilight of a martyr's life, his heart is strong. " The words "martyr", "courage" and "old age" all come from Cao's poems, which shows that Li Bai is eager to make contributions, just like Cao Cao. But he thought that Cao Cao, after all, had done a vigorous career in his life, but he had not shown his ambition so far, and he felt sad and angry. After three cups of turbid wine, I couldn't hold back my sadness, so I drew my sword. First, I danced with my sword at the autumn moon, then I chanted loudly. Finally, tears welled up in my eyes. The word "suddenly" vividly depicts the poet's uncontrollable anger. Four sentences poured in one breath, so far it is extremely difficult to sustain. Military strategists have the saying that "the right thing is the right thing, the odd thing wins". These four words of positive book indignation can be said to be "just right". Let's make another way to write past memories with the trend of circulation, which can be said to be "winning by surprise". The two sentences, "Purple mud was written at the beginning of the phoenix, and the emperor called the imperial banquet", such as different peaks, and the state changed. The poet swept away his anger and depression, and wrote that he had served a letter to Beijing and was given a banquet by the emperor.

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