话本小说网 > 明星同人小说 > 百分九歌词……-d786
本书标签: 明星同人  黄明昊  王林凯     

Born to Lose一一一范丞丞


范丞丞Oh I dreamed we would make it by now

范丞丞The other life would be better for us

范丞丞Nobody told me I'd be on my own

范丞丞Tryna' let you go

范丞丞Tryna' let you go

范丞丞Oh baby I was born to lose

范丞丞Meant nothing to no one

范丞丞Old dreams and a glimpse of you

范丞丞Just holding onto your heart

范丞丞One day they will forget me

范丞丞You'll say you never met me

范丞丞I'll be watching them close to you

范丞丞I was born to lose

范丞丞I was born to lose

范丞丞I was your girl but you never cared

范丞丞Oh how it is waiting here by myself

范丞丞Nobody told me I'd leave there alone

范丞丞You will never know

范丞丞You will never know

范丞丞Oh baby I was born to lose

范丞丞Meant nothing to no one

范丞丞Old dreams and a glimpse of you

范丞丞Just holding onto your heart

范丞丞One day they will forgive me

范丞丞You'll say you never met me

范丞丞I'll be watching them close to you

范丞丞I was born to lose

范丞丞I was born to lose

范丞丞I was born to lose

范丞丞I was born to lose

范丞丞Oh baby I was born to lose

范丞丞Meant nothing to no one

范丞丞Old dreams and a glimpse of you

范丞丞Just holding onto your heart

范丞丞One day they will forget me

范丞丞You'll say you never met me

范丞丞I'll be watching them close to you

范丞丞I was born to lose

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