话本小说网 > 游戏同人小说 > 关于我flag翻车之后的事
本书标签: 游戏同人  甜甜的恋爱  穿书 




18 years, faced all of our fears,18年来我们共同面对所有的恐惧,We took on the world together, I caught all of your tears,一同守护我们的世界,而我明白你内心的恐惧,You told me back then that our love would never end,你说我们的爱会永恒,You li-i-i-i-i-i-i-ied,你撒——谎了,Hold me like you did before,像之前那样拥抱我啊,Console me like we never went to war,像从没吵过架一样安慰我啊,You throwed me and my heart into the floor,在你眼里我的心一文不值,I di-i-i-i-i-i-i-ied,我恍若行尸走肉,(Now you're) dead to me, you're dead to me,你算什么东西,对我而言不过是过去,You're dead to me, you're dead to me,不过是结束,不过是死尸,(,You're dead to me, you're dead to me,(You're) dead to me, you're dead to me,你算什么东西,对我而言一文不值,You're dead to me, you're dead to me,毫无用处,可怜至极,Look at how you've turned, yeah, you watched me burn,Just through me in the fire and you weren't concerned,隔岸观火,You told me it was love, I would always be enough,你还声称这是爱情,我已经受够了你的,You li-i-i-i-i-i-i-ied,满口谎言,Maybe one day you'll come around,也许有一天你会回心转意,But baby, I'll be nowhere to be found,但是宝贝儿,我可要远走高飞了,Betrayed me, but baby in my eyes,背叛我很有意思啊,但在我眼里,亲爱的,You've di-i-i-i-i-i-ied,你已经死了,Dead to me, you're dead to me,你算什么东西,对我而言不过是过去,You're dead to me, you're dead to me,(ee dead to me,(You're) dead to me, you're dead to me,你算什么东西,对我而言一文不值,You're dead to me, you're dead to me,毫无用处,可怜至极,(Now you're),你算什么东西,对我而言不过是过去,(Dead to me, dead to me, dead to me),Dead to me, you're dead to me, dead to me, you're dead to me,你算什么东西,对我而言一文不值,You're dead to me, you're dead to me,毫无用处,可怜至极,You're dead to me,可怜至极。 分享Simon Curtis的单曲《D.T.M.》:com/song/1989355/?userid=534564111

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