话本小说网 > 游戏同人小说 > 关于我flag翻车之后的事
本书标签: 游戏同人  甜甜的恋爱  穿书 




I live inside my own world of make-believe,我活在自己臆想的世界当中,Kids screaming in their cradles, profanities,孩子们在摇篮里尖叫谩骂,I see the world through eyes covered in ink and bleach,透过我的双眼 这个世界被墨水和漂白剂所覆盖,Cross out the ones who heard my cries and watched me weep,把看到我柔软一面的人都通通抹除,I love everything,我爱这一切,Fire spreading all around my room,当火焰不断吞噬我的房间,My world's so bright,这一刻 我的世界是如此明亮,It's hard to breathe but that's alright,虽然很难呼吸但也无所谓了吧,Hush,请别说话..Sh...嘘..Tape my eyes open to force reality(oh no no),眼睛只能靠胶带的支撑来面对现实,Why can't you just let me eat my weight in glee?为什么不能放任我开心地暴饮暴食呢?I live inside my own world of make-believe,我活在自己臆想的世界当中,Kids screaming in their cradles, profanities,孩子们在摇篮里尖叫谩骂,Some days I feel skinnier than all the other days,有时我觉得我的身体日益消瘦,Some times I can't tell if my body belongs to me,有时我无法确定身体是否是我的一部分,I love everything,我爱所有的这一切,Fire spreading all around my room,当火焰不断吞噬我的房间,My world's so bright,我的世界是如此明亮,It's hard to breathe but that's alright,虽然呼吸困难但也无所谓了吧,Hush.请别说话..Sh...嘘..I wanna taste your content,我渴望着品尝你的肉体与灵魂,Hold your breath and feel the tension,屏住呼吸来体会这紧张的气氛,Devils hide behind redemption,救赎背后藏着恶魔,Honesty is one-way gate to hell,无顾忌的语言是通向地狱的不归之门,I wanna taste consumption,我想要品尝消耗的快感,Breathe faster to waste oxygen,加速呼吸 消耗氧气,Hear the children sing aloud,聆听着孩子们出声歌唱,It's music till the wick burns out,这是灯芯熄灭前的乐曲,Hush,请静下来吧..Just wanna be care free lately, yeah,我只想从现在开始变得无忧无虑的,Just kicking up daisies,踢一踢一朵又一朵路边的雏菊,Got one too many quarters in my pockets,口袋里装着很多硬币,Count 'em like the four leaf clovers in my locket,数它们就像数我吊坠里的四叶草一样,Untied laces, yeah, just tripping on daydreams,没有系上的鞋带 我被白日梦绊倒,Got dirty little lullabies playing on repeat,肮脏淫邪的摇篮曲循环着,Might as well just rot around the nursery and count sheep,还不如在幼儿园一边数羊 一边腐烂。 分享Sub Urban的单曲《Cradles》

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