话本小说网 > 游戏同人小说 > 关于我flag翻车之后的事
本书标签: 游戏同人  甜甜的恋爱  穿书 




It was great at the very start,相逢太美 回味无穷,Hands on each other,执子之手 甜蜜浪漫,Couldn't stand to be far apart,一时不见 如隔三秋,Closer the better,心心相印 日渐升温,Now we're picking fights,可现在我们争吵不断,And slamming doors,摔门之声不绝于耳,Magnifying all our flaws,互揭里短,And I wonder why,我想知道究竟为何,Wonder what for,意欲何为,Why we keep coming back for more,我们贪得无厌,Is it just our bodies,只是图一时之欢吗,Are we both losing our minds,我们是否都失去了理智,Is the only reason you're holding me tonight,这就是你今晚拥我在怀的唯一理由吗,'Cause we're scared to be lonely,因为我们都害怕孤寂,Do we need somebody,我们都需要有人伴随,Just to feel like we're alright,让我们感觉安适如常,Is the only reason you're holding me tonight,这就是你今晚拥我在怀的唯一理由吗,'Cause we're scared to be lonely,因为我们都惧怕孑然一身,Too much time losing track of us,我们沉溺其中 早已迷失自我,Where was the real,问题究竟在那,Undefined spiraling out of touch,一切都悬而未决 无法掌控,Forgot how it feels,忘掉这些吧,All the messed up fights,所以的喋喋不休,And slamming doors,摔门声,Magnifying all our flaws,互相数落,And I wonder why,我想知道这是为什么,Wonder what for,意欲何为,Why we keep coming back for more,我们不断索取更多,Is it just our bodies,只为一时之欢,Are we both losing our minds,我们都迷失了自我,Is the only reason you're holding me tonight,这就是今晚我们相依相拥的唯一原因吗,'Cause we're scared to be lonely,因为我们都害怕孤清,Do we need somebody,我们都需要有人陪伴,Just to feel like we're alright,让我们都安若处之,Is the only reason you're holding me tonight,这就是今晚我们相依相拥的唯一原因吗,'Cause we're scared to be lonely,因为我们都害怕形单影只。

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