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No one is willing to use youth to gamble an uncertain future, but the world is big, it is not easy to meet, if that person is you, I am willing to.


I wanted to write a paragraph to tell you how important you are to me, but I thought about it and changed it again and again. At the end of the change, I found that the sentence I wanted to express most was: stay with me.


The one and only five thousand as like as two peas in the world, but you are my unique rose.


Everything here has its beginning and ending, but it can accommodate all unexpected encounters and reunion after a long time. The world is brilliant and grand. Welcome home.


When you get old, some things will be compromised. No one in this world can do what he wants. Life will force you to choose the answer. We know everything, but nothing can be changed.


Later, the zebra died and Miss Dong got married. The train to the north of Anhe bridge also arrived. Did you wait for the man who loves you?


On the train of life, if you want to get off the train ahead of time, please don't push me to sleep so that I can sleep to the end and pretend not to know that you have left.


Secret love is a wonderful love. I can decide when to start and when to end. Always perfect, never know, never have.

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