话本小说网 > 影视同人小说 > 快穿之拯救配角系统
本书标签: 影视同人  雪中悍刀行  原创女主CP东华帝君     





💎 天边的晚霞,温柔的晚风,爱人的晚餐,人间的美好多着呢,不要为眼前的黑暗所迷惑,你要相信自己配得上世间一切的美好。

💎 我见过银河,但我只爱一颗星星

💎 听闻远方有你,动身跋涉千里,我吹过你吹过的风,这算不算相拥

💎 没有人可以左右你的人生,只是很多时候我们需要多一些勇气,去坚定自己的选择。


In this world, there will always be unexpected goodbyes and no nostalgia, and of course there will also be unexpected encounters and unexpected likes.🌟


If someone holds your sensitivity from the fire, there must be someone willing to embrace your cowardice.🌷


If you want to see me, there is no distance between me and you, no matter how many kilometers or the rain.🐷


May all love no longer be inarticulate, and all thanks no longer insincere.🔆


Let me ask you, the lamp at your door, if you want to come out and look at the stars.☀


It is good for you and me to be in peace and joy.☕


Busy and early to bed is the cure for heart disease.🍵


Even if you are alone with your umbrella, you should have a good time.🎨

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