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When one day you try the ruthlessness of the world, the pressure of money, the unbearable love, the sinister people's heart, you will eventually understand the eaves of others, no matter how much it is better to have your own umbrella


This situation is in arrears, this love has stopped, fate is no longer in the service area, Acacia has no response, miss has been busy, love and mobile heart is no longer connected

山水一程,三生有幸 就此别过 ,莫问前程 山高水长 ,江湖莫忘 在广袤的空间 和无限的时间中 能与你们共享一颗行星 和同一段时光 是我的荣幸 尚未佩妥剑 转眼便江湖 愿历尽千帆 归来仍是少年,纵有千古横有八荒,前途似海 来日方长 从此一别 ,隔世经年山长水阔 唯愿君平安喜乐 不知流年前途似海,我们以梦为马 不负韶华 一篇诗一斗酒 一曲长歌 一剑天涯

It's my great honor to share a planet with you in the vast space and infinite time. I haven't worn my sword yet. I'll be back in the river and lake in a twinkling of an eye. I'd like to come back from thousands of sails. I'm still a young man. I've been through thousands of years, and I have eight wastelands. My future is like the sea, and I have a long way to go, After many years, I wish you peace and happiness. The future is like the sea, we take the dream as the horse. Live up to the charm. A poem, a pot of wine, a long song and a sword

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