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Yang Yuhuan



This dance is the peony five, this lantern dance is our once prosperous Tang Dynasty, but now we have seen thousands of lights on duty in Chang'an market. The wind and moon in the world are gone, so is the soul of this dance. You promised that you would calm down the war and let the Tang Dynasty return to peace. I believe you, you will be Yuhuan, and you will always stay in the dream of that prosperous age. This dream is separated from the park and wuwunian, and you will die in the Anshi rebellion

We need beauties to embellish in prosperous times, and beauties to answer our sins in troubled times

Better be sudaji than Yang Yuhuan

Su Daji won the love, so he became one of the four beauties. But there's no love


I don't want to be su Daji or Yang Yuhuan

I want to be Wu Zetian over there

Won the love, but the man did not live with him to the end, but he also won the country

Isn't it good to be your own queen and not someone else's?

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