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Don't rush to escape, and don't rush to give an answer. If there is still time, do what you are doing now. Time can make you see many things clearly, including yourself.



Tears, sometimes an unspeakable happiness, a smile, sometimes an unspoken pain.



Study hard during the day. There are things you don't know. Have a good sleep at night, and there is something you want in your dreams.



Live yourself into a beam of light, be confident and magnanimous, and shine brightly. Don't make do with it, don't force it, don't be kitsch, and don't go with the flow.



Maturity is not that you can enlighten others with many principles, but that you can convince yourself to understand the people and things around you.



It's better to be quiet alone than to laugh against one's will. It's better to manage one's dignity and beauty than to care about others' abandonment and incompetence.



There is nothing free in the world. You think it's free because you haven't understood its cost.

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