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Tell yourself, you should hold on, don't deny yourself so easily, who says you don't have a good future, and you won't know until tomorrow.



In this world, no one can really feel the pain of another person. You're in pain, and it's just your business. Others may sympathize and sigh, but you'll never know exactly where your wound is festering.



Life is boiling water, whether hot or cold, as long as there is a suitable temperature. Life is a taste, no matter how sweet and sour, as long as there is a suitable taste. Everyone lives his own life, which has nothing to do with others, and his happiness is more important than anything else!



Don't pour out your heart and lungs when you meet people. You should know that some people have heart to heart in front of them and use their brains behind them. If you control your good mood, life will be peaceful everywhere. No matter how painful things you experience, you will gradually forget them in the end. Because nothing can beat time.

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