话本小说网 > 短篇小说 > 人生感受
本书标签: 短篇  人生文案馆 




Expectations for others will become their own disappointment; Dependence on others will become your own pain; Trying to possess others will become your own imprisonment; On the contrary, patience with others will become your own peace; Letting go of others will become your own freedom; Giving to others will become your own gain; Compassion for others will become forgiveness for yourself.



There is no "better road" in life, there is only one road, that is, the road you choose. The key is to go up bravely and keep going. Life is like a car, long distance or short distance; Life is like a play, happy or sad. Many things, after passing, are destined to become stories; When many people leave, they are destined to become old friends. Stories in life, these are all experiences.



Growing up means doubting what you once believed, then overthrowing yourself in the next stage, growing up new wisdom and temperament, and moving firmly towards yourself in the next stage with countless perplexities and uncertainties.

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